Infiniti Solutions and Vertical Alliance Group Announce a CSA 2010 Presentation Seminar for January 27th, 2010. This seminar will feature renowned speaker, Steven Piwowarski, of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and will take place at the Weston Golf and Country Club in Toronto, from 8am-1pm. Read more Here
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CSA 2010 Seminar Today
You know, I find it interesting that when the FMCSA holds a seminar of anykind, 99% of the time, it's in an area or place that is out of reach for most drivers. I guess its turned into a money gimmick after all.
Well I am curious as to how much money the tax payers are going to be dumping into this? Truck drivers being one of the heaviest hit in taxes are going to be paying for the bite on our hand. There sure isnt much publicity around this.
of course not!!! why would they want the people to know. they find it to be much easier to control by saying nothing at all.. I have already been telling the brokers my rates are going to double by the end of the year. and if they want my guys pulling thier freight. then they better hand it off to the buyers. brokers keep asking why? my drivers already said!!!! they are going to want a minimum. of $2k a week in wages. I mean a week. not a trip! and then fuel will hit $6.00 a gallon average nation wide. and the the taxes are going to be higher covering the cost of unemployment health care and other political lies and scams... and this is just the start of the negative affect of the new regulations.. so the consumer and truck hate groups want safer high ways. they are going to pay with a very high cost of living. think things are bad now. this is going to look like good times in about 2 years.
First they take control of how the system is run , then they will put in the to big to fail rule and to take over the big companies that are left after 19,000 little companies shut down in 2011. This is the same thing russia did. 5 years after russia put the same system in place , their country collapsed and we to will collapse no more than 5 years after they take over the big companies under the to big to fail rule. the down fall of america preplanned by our enomies within.
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