Thursday, February 4, 2010

Intresting Note on School Buses and CSA 2010

I have been doing some research on crash stats large trucks verses passenger
carriers. Here is the graph for you to view to understand my concerns.

If you look at passenger carriers their graph continues to go in the wrong
direction were large trucks have continued to go in the correct direction.

What do I mean by wrong direction? Crashes continue to rise for passenger

I called FMCSA today and asked them what is going to change for school
districts when CSA 2010 goes into effect. Their answer was nothing.
School Districts (School Bus Drivers are Exempt) for just about all basics.

The only national requirements for a School Districts concering drivers.

1- Drug and alcohol screening.

2- Have a valid CDL.

This is crazy to not address the continued rise in passenger carriers safety

I was told the only way this could or would change is Congress has to
address the way School Buses are exempt from really all safety regulations
CSA 2010 is suppose to address.

Is this how you want your children protected when riding to school?

1 comment:

Joe Connolly said...

This makes no sense.Our kids are at great risk.
