Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Freight Brokering The Game Has Changed

Freight Brokers the Supreme Court has upheld the new regulations, and from some sources about 10% of the current fright brokers are unqualified and will lose their licence to broker freight.

I wonder what this will do to some companies freight?

 Drivers and OO's this might be a good time to look at a change and get into Brokering Freight. There are new laws associated with this and I think you have to have 3 years experience under a bonded broker before you can apply to be a Bonded Broker.

For those that want to get into this but can't afford to take a week off to attend a 3-5k class we have added an online training to become a Journeyman Certified Broker.

This means you can work under a Bonded Broker to begin the 3 years necessary to move out on your own.
Worth looking into.

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