Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Violations under CSA 2010 Carry More Weight

I recently had the opportunity to speak with a safety director in one of the CSA 2010 test states and found that the FMCSA has already made a significant change in their published formulas for calculating safety scores. Violations have points assigned to them based on their likelihood of causing an accident or fatality. For example a speeding violation carries 5 points. The formulas used to calculate the safety scores assign a multiplier to more recent violations. FMCSA had published that violations in the most recent 0 – 12 months would have a multiplier of 2 (x 2) and violations occurring in the 13 to 24 month range would have a multiplier of 1.

What I found out in my conversation with the safety director was the formulas were now different. Violations in the most recent 0 – 6 months have a multiplier of 3 (x 3), violations in the 7 – 12 month range have a multiplier of 2 (x 2) and violations in the 13 to 24 month range have a multiplier of 1.

That’s a huge change in the impact the recent violations carry and could easily take a company from an acceptable safety score to a marginal level or worse. The FMCSA means business! CSA 2010 is still a work in progress and changes will likely continue through the testing phase. Therefore, it is extremely important for all drivers and carriers to stay on top of this new initiative and be ready for the full implementation of CSA 2010 in July through December of 2010.

FMCSA has now published the new formulas with the new multiplier.


Anonymous said...

This statement has been confirmed by a recent update in the csa 2010 regulations

Anonymous said...

let obama homa haul frieght feed people ,,there wont be any trucks
want works under this soicilize goverment plan

Anonymous said...

To Mr.LaHood, You want to make laws to further restrict, confuse and miss lead drivers and motor carriers. Yet you can not guarantee the accuracy of the information being input into the data base. Have you sir ever put yourself in the drivers seat of a big rig? Do you even have a clue what it takes to do my job? One poster said to let Obamha come and haul the freight.I personally don't think he can. I say, let you and the rest of your flunkies come out here and try to do my job, lets see how long you don't last under your own new laws.

Anonymous said...

Any driver that wants to take a stand against this, please contact the Owner-Operators United Inc.
We are asking our legal staff to prepare for a class action suit against the FMCSA for violations of our civil & const. rights.
Thank You
Dan Little
Pres. OOU Inc

Anonymous said...

welcome to the new comunist USA!
the place where you have no privacy!
and yet Obama wont release his infobut yet mine will be open to every on.
i hope you go naked and starve!
